State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement today relating to agency closures amid the coronavirus response:
In light of the serious nature of the coronavirus pandemic and recommendations from the Governor, I instructed members of my staff to work from home, if they are able, starting yesterday morning. The vast majority of my staff of 135 will be doing just that. According to emergency plans, we still have two emergency functions that have to be performed during a pandemic:
– For anyone in government who has a question about how they may spend money in an emergency, they can still call our hotline (1-800-321-1275), and we are here to answer questions, and
– If this emergency escalates, the law enforcement officers in my office are on duty and ready to help.
Now is a time for all Mississippians to follow the advice of experts and be safe, both for your own good and the good of all the families around you. Remember:
– Wash or sanitize your hands frequently.
– Don’t touch your face.
– Try to stay six feet away from others.
– Avoid congregations of people, especially crowds of 10 or more.
– Cough into your elbow, not your hand.
– Try to sanitize things around you each day if you are able.
– Do not go to work or to public places if you have a cough, fever, and/or shortness of breath.
I will be in the office with core staff, and we will continue our best efforts to serve you, even in challenging times. Remember the above hygiene tips, be kind to others, and contact our office if there is a matter that the Auditor’s office can help with.
Release from the Office of the State Auditor.