President Trump Acquitted – Wicker, Hyde-Smith vote “not guilty”
Today I voted to acquit President @realDonaldTrump of all charges in the Senate impeachment trial. I hope Americans can put this episode behind us, and that Congress can now return to the work of the people. https://t.co/NmHprgzXdr
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) February 5, 2020
#Acquitted – Let’s get back to work. https://t.co/oUPLYGkJ1l
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) February 5, 2020
WLOX – Mississippi Senate unanimously approves teacher pay raise bill
“This is the first bill,” said Senate Education Chairman Dennis DeBar. “It’s a priority for us and we think it’s a good start.”
Senator DeBarr explains that Senate Bill 2001 would give teachers an across the board raise of 1,000 dollars. Those just starting out get a slightly higher bump of $1,110 which brings starting pay in the state up to $37,000.
MS House officially seats Jackson-McCray (HD 40), ends election challenge – Dems release statement
Here’s the response from Minority Leader @RepRJohnson in regards to the House Special Committee Report on the Election Contest of Rep. Hester Jackson McCray. #msleg pic.twitter.com/BbeNaO9VCM
— Mississippi House Democrats (@MSHouseDems) February 5, 2020
YP – Auditor Shad White Arrests Former Director of DHS and Co-Conspirators in Largest Public Embezzlement Case in State History
Auditor @shadwhite Arrests Former Director of DHS and Co-Conspirators in Largest Public Embezzlement Case in State History. https://t.co/yEVkTstbvf
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) February 5, 2020
CLARION LEDGER – Mississippi politicians use a loophole to pocket campaign cash
Many state politicians still maintain large sums of this old money, and several recently used it for purposes that would violate the 2017 reform law, a Clarion Ledger review of secretary of state filings found. The federal government and most states ban using campaign money for personal reasons and require candidates to donate excess funds to charity or other political causes.
Secretary of State Michael Watson said the old and new campaign finance rules are confusing, and he wants to phase out the use of old money. It’s one of several transparency measures the Republican said he will push for, including building a more easily searchable campaign finance database.
“I’m pretty sure you’re going to keep seeing this question (of old money) resurface,” said Watson, adding legislators may want to put the controversy behind them…
…Watson said he wants to do away with the old money loophole in the state’s campaign finance law, a change that would need to be approved by the Legislature. Such a change might require politicians to either claim the old money for themselves, or transfer it to a new account. “You’d basically force the hand” of the official, he said.
YP – DOJ announces investigation into MS prison conditions; AG Lynn Fitch comments
DOJ announces investigation into MS prison conditions; AG @LynnFitch comments. https://t.co/CipVc1bmpI
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) February 5, 2020
DAILY LEADER – Judge: Mississippi parole officers ‘underpaid & overworked’
As Mississippi lawmakers seek ways to improve a prison system shaken by recent deadly violence, a related problem is looming: A judge said Tuesday that parole officers are “woefully underpaid and overworked.”
Circuit Judge Prentiss Harrell said parole officers often handle hundreds of cases each. That has contributed to an increase in the prison population, because a growing number of ex-inmates are being returned to prison for parole violations.
Mississippi remains one of the nation’s poorest states, with one of the highest incarceration rates…
…Senate Judiciary B Committee Chairman Brice Wiggins said Tuesday that it’s too early to know whether legislators will set aside money for the state to hire more probation and parole officers.
“We realize that this is a significant issue and we’ve got to look at that,” said Wiggins, a Republican from Pascagoula.
YP – Governor Reeves Announces Criteria for MDOC Commissioner
In the process of looking to secure a new head for the Mississippi Department of Corrections, Governor @tatereeves Announces Criteria for @MS_MDOC Commissioner #msleg READ MORE>> https://t.co/pWBg8LgPU7
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) February 5, 2020
Sen. Wicker chairs Commerce Committee hearing on Athlete Safety and Integrity in Sports
WATCH LIVE: @SenatorWicker convenes a hearing on athlete safety and sports integrity. Click to watch: https://t.co/rAt6PaMAbV
— Senate Commerce (@SenateCommerce) February 5, 2020