Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Andy Gipson commends President Donald Trump for signing the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA) today.
“Today is a great day for agriculture. The signing of the USMCA by President Trump has been a much-anticipated day for our farmers and ranchers. Last year, Mississippi exported nearly $91 million of agricultural products to Canada, and more than $44 million to Mexico,” said Commissioner Gipson, a long-standing supporter of USMCA. “USMCA will increase access to these international markets, which is a win for agriculture.”
As the President was signing the USMCA trade pact, Commissioner Gipson was speaking to the Mississippi Gulf Coast Foreign Trade Zone annual meeting. “I told the business leaders at the Foreign Trade Zone meeting that I had been invited by the White House to attend the USMCA signing. But I wanted to keep my commitment to them, so we can promote Mississippi exports and put to work the new opportunities presented by USMCA.”
Following todays’ signing of the USMCA by President Trump, the trade agreement is awaiting ratification by Canadian officials.
Release from Ag Commissioner Andy Gipson