Throughout the course of the 2019 election season, several individuals and organizations made endorsements for candidates. Y’all Politics took a look at how those endorsements played out based on the individuals elected.
Early in the campaign cycle Governor Phil Bryant endorsed Tate Reeves which was then brought to the national scale when President Trump got behind the candidate, even making a visit to Tupelo on Reeves’ behalf. While here, he was joined by Senators Hyde-Smith and Wicker who also jumped behind all of the Republican candidates running for office.
Other lawmakers, local and statewide, joined Reeves at the GOP headquarters to show support. Those in attendance included current Governor Phil Bryant, former Governor Haley Barbour, AG Commissioner Andy Gipson, Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney, Representative Mark Baker, Representative Joel Bomgar, Senator Josh Harkins, and many others.
Congressman Michael Guest endorsed Delbert Hosemann for Lt. Governor based on what he said was a clear and transparent service in the Secretary of State’s office.
Other national figures like Mike Espy came to the support of fellow Democrat Jim Hood. In the final day before the election, even President Barak Obama lended his voice for a statewide robocall urging Mississippians to vote for Hood. This call was verified as authentic and was paid by the Hood campaign.
AFP Action

Americans for Prosperity Action (separate from AFP) made endorsements of statewide and local candidates. They stood behind Tate Reeves for governor earlier this summer, making the announcement in June.
“Since assuming office eight years ago, Lt. Governor Reeves has been instrumental in breaking down barriers for individuals throughout the state. Whether it is fighting for lower taxes, rebuffing special interests, or increasing educational opportunities for every child—Lt. Gov. Reeves has his fingerprints all over it. He understands the role of government is to empower individuals to transform their own lives, which is why we’re excited to get behind his candidacy. We hope Mississippi voters will reward his leadership and support him in November.”
They also supported House members Joel Bomgar, Dan Eubanks, Jason White and Steve Hopkins who all run unopposed. In the Senate the group backed Juan Barnett and Jeremy England. England ran unopposed for the seat once held by Secretary of State elect Michael Watson, while Barnett prevailed in gaining the seat against Wade.
Mississippi Association of Educators PAC
The MAE PAC endorsed Democrat Jim Hood for governor back in September. The MAE PAC said their process in selecting candidates to endorsed came by asking each one to submit responses to policy questions. They were then asked to participate in an interview with members of the PAC who then chose who would receive the endorsement.
On receiving the endorsement, Hood said, “I am honored to have the support of the Mississippi Association of Educators in my race to become Mississippi’s next governor. Teachers are the backbone of our society. As governor, I will make our public schools, our public school educators, and our public school students a priority. Our teachers show up for our kids every day. It’s time we showed up for them.”
In October, they released another round of endorsements, also of Democratic candidates running for state office. MAE PAC backed Jay Hughes for Lt. Governor, Jennifer Riley Collins for Attorney General and Johnny Dupree for Secretary of State.
“This is an incredibly important election and we are thrilled to support this slate of candidates. Each has a deep understanding of the critical needs facing our state’s public education system and believes in the power of investing in Mississippi’s students and schools,” said MAE President Erica Jones.
The MAE PAC committee members names were not released but were said to come from groups of certified teachers, education support professionals, higher education faculty members and retired educators across the state.
No statewide candidates endorsed by the PAC were successful in obtaining office.
NFIB Mississippi PAC
The National Federation of Independent Business Mississippi PAC endorsed Tate Reeves for Governor as well as fellow Republican candidates Lynn Fitch for Attorney General, Mike Chaney for Insurance Commissioner and Delbert Hosemann for Lt. Governor.
All of the candidates that that NFIB Mississippi PAC were successful in gaining election in their respective races.
Mississippi Police Benevolent Association
The MPBA released an endorsement of Tate Reeves for governor in late September.
The association took into account the records and policies of candidates in the race for governor. They found Reeves to be a champion for law enforcement by passing legislation like increased benefits after officers are killed in the line of duty and promoting state and local law enforcement.
The National Rifle Association PAC made several endorsements in the 2019 election cycle.
They kicked off their endorsements in early June by standing behind Tate Reeves for governor and Mark Baker for Attorney General.
“Tate Reeves served as lieutenant governor during a period that saw incredible progress in the protection of Mississippian’s Second Amendment rights. Without Reeves’ leadership, these successes would not have been possible,” said Jason Ouimet, chairman, NRA-PVF. “The NRA wholeheartedly endorses Tate Reeves for governor and looks forward to what he can accomplish in the state’s highest office.”
Baker was not successful in winning the Republican nomination for attorney general between Lynn Fitch and Andy Taggart, but Reeves was named governor after taking 55% of the vote in the general election in November.
Following in mid-July they endorsed Delbert Hosemann for Lt. Governor. The PAC cited his ‘clear commitment to upholding Second Amendment Rights.’
“Delbert Hosemann will protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners,” NRA-PVF Chairman Jason Ouimet said. “The NRA encourages all freedom-loving Mississippians to vote Hosemann for Lieutenant Governor on August 6.”
Mississippi Right to Life PAC
MRL PAC released their endorsement for Reeves saying: “You have been a champion for the innocent unborn and we are honored to make this endorsement today. It is important for voters to know that we have worked with you and that you are a fearless protector of Mississippi’s unborn children,” said Barbara Whitehead, President of Mississippi Right to Life, in their endorsement letter.
Their endorsement was based on candidates’ policy answers to questionnaires and public record on pro-life issues. As Lt. Governor, Tate Reeves has championed pro-life reforms, most recently pushing for the Heartbeat Bill to protect unborn children once a heartbeat has been detected.
Mississippi Road Builders Association
Though the organization advocated for an increase in the gas tax and continues to, they did not make a candidate endorsement in the campaign for governor.