Reeves on with FoxNews Neil Cavuto
Mississippi Governor-elect @tatereeves on his election win this week pic.twitter.com/7WkumhniI4
— Neil Cavuto (@TeamCavuto) November 7, 2019
WAPT – GOP insider leads transition for Mississippi governor-elect
A former Mississippi Republican Party chairman will lead the transition team for Gov.-elect Tate Reeves.
The Reeves campaign said Thursday that Brad White will do the job.
Gunn remains Speaker, White to become Speaker ProTem
Congrats to @PhilipGunnMS and Jason White on their elections as Speaker and Speaker Pro Tem! They care deeply about the people of Mississippi and will make terrific leaders of the House.
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) November 8, 2019
CLARION LEDGER – House GOP Caucus re-ups on Philip Gunn as Speaker. White expected to serve as ProTem
In a proforma vote, the state House Republican Caucus on Thursday unanimously chose Rep. Philip Gunn, R-Clinton, as speaker for another four years.
The official House vote on Gunn’s continued speakership will be in January when the Legislature convenes, but with the GOP House Caucus maintaining a supermajority in that chamber after Tuesday’s election, his reelection is a foregone conclusion.
The House is also expected to ratify Gunn’s choice of Rep. Jason White, R-West, as speaker pro tem, the second-ranking House leadership position. He will replace Rep. Greg Sowden, R-Meridian, who lost in his District 83 reelection bid this year. White has been a top lieutenant on Gunn’s leadership team and has served as chairman of the powerful Rules Committee.
Hyde-Smith names Doug Davis Chief of Staff
Doug Davis has the legislative, political, & personal abilities needed to administer my Senate offices. He’ll serve me & all Mississippians well as my chief of staff. I’m grateful to Brad White for his leadership & skills, which have been invaluable to me. https://t.co/XAx6K1RPWq
— Cindy Hyde-Smith (@cindyhydesmith) November 7, 2019
WJTV – Rep. Thompson holds House Committee hearing on ICE raids
Gov. Bryant helps break ground on Enviva at Port of Pascagoula
Great to be at the Port of Pascagoula groundbreaking for Enviva’s new terminal. Once completed the terminal will export wood pellets produced in the George County Facility and other Enviva plants to markets in Asia and Europe. pic.twitter.com/QDE6rQeGOY
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) November 7, 2019
WJTV – State education leaders request study on eliminating U.S. History exam
The Mississippi State Board of Education decided that further study is needed before a decision can be made regarding the potential elimination of the U.S. History end-of-course exam.
The SBE directed the Mississippi Department of Education to work with the Accountability Task force. They will research the impact that eliminating the U.S. History assessment would have on the statewide accountability system without changing the cut scores.
The Accountability Task Force is scheduled to meet on December 5, 2019.