The National Wildlife Federation has removed a press release from their website in opposition to the Yazoo Pumps after historic flooding had consumed 500,000 acres in the South Delta. Farmers and outdoorsman bristled at the characterization and organized a social media effort crippling the NWF affiliate Mississippi Wildlife Federation Extravaganza in early August after organizers denied a paying booth to a local farmer that wanted to exhibit on behalf of the pumps project at the MWF event.
Recently users noticed that the links to NWF’s original opposition piece quoting left-wing environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club disappeared from the NWF site entirely. Fortunately, Y’all Politics was able to locate the now deleted press release by the NWF.
NWF Conservation Groups Criticize EPA’s Revival of Wasteful, Destructive Boondoggle by yallpolitics on Scribd
This stands in some contrast to the newly enlightened view from the MS Wildlife Federation, that seems to have come to the realization that infuriating tens of thousands of affected flood victims wasn’t such a good idea.
As a result of the MS Wildlife Federation’s actions dozens of vendors including Primos Outdoors and Preston Pittman Game Calls withdrew from the MWF annual event.