New ads for the Republican gubernatorial runoff are emerging with just two weeks remaining before that election set for August 27.
The advertisements are not lacking in attacks from both sides, with everything from claiming Bill Waller’s platform is a slide towards socialism to comparing Tate Reeves to a child.
In Reeves’ latest campaign ad, Waller is linked with Attorney General Jim Hood, the Democratic nominee for governor.
Here’s the transcript:
America must decide. Slide towards socialism or keep our nation strong. Mississippi has to make our choice now. Two candidates want higher taxes. Jim Hood and Bill Waller. “Some people call it a gas tax, I call it a user fee.” Waller and Hood both want to expand Obamacare in Mississippi. The press says Hood in Waller agree. They want more welfare and higher taxes. Tate Reeves is the conservative in this race. Keep Mississippi strong. Vote Tate Reeves.
Waller, on the other hand, took a more comedic approach by portraying Reeves as a reckless, blindfolded child at a birthday party.
Waller released another ad circulating featuring Robert Foster, who recently endorsed Waller over Reeves after he lost his own gubernatorial bid.
This week, Reeves released a long form ad over 2:00 in length over education.
The runoff between Reeves and Waller is August 27.