The top three statewide elected candidates on the Democratic ticket have secured their spots for the November ballot. Jim Hood is the Democratic nominee for Governor, Jay Hughes is the Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor, and Jennifer Riley Collins is the Democratic nominee for Attorney General.
While only Hood had contenders against him prior to the Primary election, the Democratic nominees all held to the typical fashion of not endorsing anyone before primaries and runoffs.
This weekend, Jennifer Riley Collins posted a casual promotion of the two fellow Democratic nominees at the top of the ticket.
“When the top of the ticket looks like this and supports one another- WE ALL WIN but more importantly ALL the people of our great state win!” Riley-Collins posted on her campaign Facebook page.
In July, former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bob Higginbottom slammed Attorney General Jim Hood saying he would support Jennifer Riley Collins, by claiming that Hood was actually favoring Lynn Fitch for the position. Hood then told Y’all Politics that he did not support any one candidate at that time.
During a press gaggle at the Neshoba County Fair, Hood told reporters that he would be bipartisan in his support of candidates moving beyond the primary.
When asked if her campaign was working with the Hood campaign to garner an endorsement at the Neshoba County Fair, Collins stated that she was confident there would be a strong Democratic ticket, “no matter who comes out.”
Following this post from Jennifer Riley Collins, Y’all Politics once again reached out to the Hood campaign for comment.
“As stated before, we have not endorsed anyone,” per the Hood campaign.