USDA Rural Development Provides Loan-Grant Funding for Water System Improvements in Coahoma, Union & Wayne Counties
U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), who serves on the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, today announced the approval of more than $2.93 million in loan and grant funding to improve water systems in three rural Mississippi communities.
USDA Rural Development approved Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program awards for Coahoma County Utility District #2, Ingomar Water Association, Inc. in Union County, and Clara Water Association, Inc. in Wayne County.
“This grant program is funded specifically to help rural communities provide safe and reliable water service to residents and businesses. These grants are useful because rural communities often do not have the economic base needed to repair, maintain, or improve their systems,” Hyde-Smith said. “I truly appreciate the work of USDA Rural Development operations in Mississippi to direct this assistance to our state.”
“USDA Rural Development’s mission is to enhance quality of life and economic opportunities for rural Mississippians, and assisting in the finance and development of water infrastructure is a key component of achieving this mission. We greatly appreciate the ongoing support and leadership of Senator Hyde-Smith and the congressional delegation, which enables rural communities to benefit from these resources,” said John Rounsaville, State Director for USDA Rural Development in Mississippi.
The three Mississippi projects are among 40 awards in 20 states approved for release on Monday.
The Coahoma County Utility District #2 will use a $580,000 low-interest loan and $449,000 grant to install a new 300-gallon-per-minute water supply well, a 30,000-gallon pressure tank, a new concrete block well house, a new emergency standby generator, and new automatic read meters.
The Ingomar Water Association, Inc. will use a $229,000 loan to continue water service improvements by upgrading more than 26,000 linear feet of service lines to residential and non-residential customers. New automatic read meters will be installed. The association received a $903,000 loan in August 2018 to begin these upgrades.
The Clara Water Association, Inc. will use a 40-year, low-interest $1,134,100 loan to ensure reliable water service by replacing aging infrastructure with two water supply wells and associated water transmission mains, as well as installing a backup generator for the wells. This project would help the association comply with backup power and water supply requirements.
Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant program awards are made to rural communities, water districts, and other eligible entities to improve drinking water, storm water drainage, and waste disposal systems in rural communities. Click here for information about eligibility and the application process.