WJTV – Mississippi Legislators agree on $1,500 pay raise for teachers
WJTV – Mississippi governor vetoes youth detention bill
Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant has vetoed a bill that would have lightened the punishments of some children convicted of criminal crimes.
According to current law, a child convicted of a felony at 10 years old may be placed in a state training school or secure detention facilty
Lawmakers proposed changing the minimum age to 12, but since the governor vetoed the bill, they will not try to overturn it.
Gov. Bryant testifies before Senate Commerce Committee
Here’s a video from my testimony this morning in front of the Senate Commerce Committee on Blue Economy. https://t.co/pvXZsTptPn
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) March 28, 2019
Hood blames Reeves for bridge closures
This is what happens when your Lt. Gov. lets a problem fester. You put lives at risk and damage the state’s economy. Not to mention the kids who can’t get to class on time because their bridge isn’t safe. As governor, I plan to take action NOW to fix Mississippi’s roads/bridges! https://t.co/NEDwJ48ZCc
— Jim Hood (@HoodForGovernor) March 27, 2019
WTOK – MDOT announces emergency bridge closures
The Mississippi Department of Transportation was directed Wednesday to begin immediately closing at least 34 bridges.
One is in Clarke County, on County Road 630, crossing Buckatunna Creek.
“If these bridges remain open, it will not only present a safety hazard to the traveling public but will also threaten $530 million in federal funding, which is about 50 percent of MDOT’s overall budget,” said Melinda McGrath, executive director of MDOT.
According to its most current list, the Office of State Aid Road Construction discovered 34 deficient bridges were open to traffic. State Aid ordered counties to close some of the listed bridges by September 2018. State Aid is a separate state agency that enforces federal guidelines for county and city-owned roads and bridges and does not report to the Transportation Commission or MDOT.
Hyde-Smith announces $4.8 million in water infrastructure improvement funding
Improving water and wastewater infrastructure in Mississippi is an ongoing process, and USDA Rural Development investments in our state can help ensure rural Mississippians have access to clean water. pic.twitter.com/VgyvnPNIXN
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) March 27, 2019
YP – Mississippi Legislature becomes 15th to adopt Convention of States resolution
Today the Mississippi House of Representatives followed suit with their Senate counterparts and passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 596 by a vote of 69-49. The bill also brought its fair share of controversy among party lines.
The amendment calls for a Convention of States to approve amendments that would restrict the fiscal restraints of the federal government, effectively limiting their power.
The House debated the bill for over an hour, offering several amendments that were not accepted among members before passing, mostly on a party line vote. The Senate originally passed the bill last Thursday, by a vote of 32-17.
State Rep. Anderson calls Convention of States a bad idea
Calling for a convention of states is a bad idea to address the federal deficit when you’re the poorest state in the union and the most dependent on federal funding. Today the House put all Mississippians at risk when it passed SCR596. Here’s my reasoning as why: pic.twitter.com/Amr7TZk4en
— Rep. Jeramey Anderson (@jerameyanderson) March 28, 2019
MS House honors outgoing members
Good luck to my former desk mate, Rep. Sullivan, in your retirement. pic.twitter.com/tcBm8zYitP
— Philip Gunn (@PhilipGunnMS) March 27, 2019
Congrats on all your accomplishments, Honorable Judge Wooten, Hinds County Circuit Judge District 7. Good to see you again. pic.twitter.com/FRqoBHeKS6
— Philip Gunn (@PhilipGunnMS) March 27, 2019
Congrats and welcome back, Honorable Judge Perkins, Chancery Court Judge 7th District. pic.twitter.com/qG5WiDFGeJ
— Philip Gunn (@PhilipGunnMS) March 27, 2019
Hyde-Smith chairs her first hearing in the US Senate
Honored to chair my first Legislative Branch Appropriations subcommittee hearing today to review the FY2020 budget requests for the @librarycongress & @uscapitol. Added bonus to have on hand @MSState graduates, who work for Architect of the Capitol. pic.twitter.com/9y7TpZ2aEK
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) March 27, 2019
WDAM – Three candidates running for senator for District 34
Three candidates are vying for the public’s vote in an effort to become senator of district 34 in the Aug. 6th primary election. Senator Juan Barnett, City of Hattieburg councilwoman Deborah Delgado and retiree Steven Wade are on the ballot.
“My decision to run again was easy, because I have met so, so many great people across the district and I just enjoy serving people,” said District 34 senator Juan Barnett.