Here is a list of bills Y’all Politics is watching for you during the 2019 Legislative Session. They’re listed by chamber.
*This list is subject to change throughout Session.
HB 571 – Human Trafficking Bill-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0571.xml
- Referred to Judiciary B committee
- Passed House Judiciary B Committee, with committee substitute
- Passed House floor (117-0), held on a motion to reconsider
- Motion to reconsider tabled
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Judiciary A
- Title stuff do pass as amended
- Amended
- Passed as amended
- Held on a motion to reconsider
- Motion to reconsider tabled
- Returned for Concurrence
- Concurred
- Enrolled bill signed by House and Senate
- Bill sent to Governor
HB 366 – Mississippi Broadband Enabling Act-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0366.xml
- Referred to House Public Utilities Committee
- Passed the House Public Utilities Committee
- Passed the House floor (115-3)
- Transmitted to the Senate Energy Committee
- Passed Senate Energy Committee
- Passed in the Senate, bill heads to the Governor (52-0)
- Governor Bryant has signed into law (1/30/2019)
HB 1283 – The “Mississippi School Safety Act of 2019”- http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB1283.xml
- Referred to Education
- Passed from the House Education committee
- Passed on the House Floor (114-3)
- Transmitted to Senate
- Referred to Education and Appropriations
- Title sufficient do pass: Education to Appropriations
- Amended
- Passed as Amended
- Motion to reconsider
- Motion tabled
- Returned for Concurrence
- Concurred and amended in Senate
- Motion to reconsider
- Motion tabled
- Enrolled bill signed by House and Senate
HB 1352 – Criminal Justice Reform Act – http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/PDF/history/HB/HB1352.xml
- Referred to Judiciary B
- Title stuff do pass Committee Substitute
- Committee substitute adopted
- Passed
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Judiciary A
- Title stuff do pass as amended
- Amended
- Passed as amended
- Returned for Concurrence
- Concur declined, Conference invited
SB 2770 – Teachers’ salaries; provide for $1,000.00 increase phased in over two years – http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2116.xml
- Referred to Education
- Title stuff do pass
- Amended
- Passed as amended
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred to Education/Appropriations
- Title stuff do pass as amended: Education and Appropriations
- Amended
- Passed as amended
- Motion to reconsider entered
- Motion to reconsider tabled
- Returned for concurrence
- Concurred in House
- Enrolled bill signed by House and Senate
- Bill approved by Governor (1/21/2019)
SB 2835 – Mississippi First Responders Health and Safety Act; create- http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2835.xml
- Referred to Insurance/Appropriations
- Passed in Committee
- Committee Substitute Adopted
- Bill amended
- Passed in the Senate (50-1)
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred to Insurance/Appropriations
- Title stuff do pass as amended: Insurance to Appropriations
- Read the third time
- Amended
- Passed as amended
- Returned for Concurrence
- Concur declined, Conference invited
SB 2141 – Terroristic threat; create offense of-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2141.xml
- Referred to Judiciary A
- Passed out of Committee
- Passed on the Floor
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred to Judiciary A
- Title stuff do pass
- Passed
- Returned for enrolling
- Enrolled bill signed by House and Senate
- Approved by Governor
SB 2901 – Landowners Protection Act; create – http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2901.xml
- Referred to Business and Financial Institutes
- Passed Committee Substitute
- Passed in the Senate
- Held on a motion to reconsider
- Motion to reconsider tabled
- Transmitted to House
- Referred to Judiciary A
- Amended, passed as amended
- Held on a motion to reconsider
- Reconsidered
- Amended, passed as amended
- Held on a motion to reconsider
- Motion to reconsider tabled
- Returned for Concurrence
- Concurred in the Senate
- Enrolled bill signed by House and Senate
SB 2116 – Abortion; prohibit an abortion of an unborn human individual with a detectable heartbeat- http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2116.xml
- Referred to Public Health and Welfare
- Bill passed in Committee
- Amendment failed
- Passed in the Senate
- Transmitted to the House
- Referred to Public Health and Welfare
- Title stuff do pass as amended
- Read the Third time
- Amended
- Passed as amended
- Motion to reconsider entered
- Motion to reconsider tabled
- Returned for Concurrence
- Concurred in the Senate
- Enrolled bill signed by House and Senate
- Approved by Governor
Dead Bills
HB 732 – Prevent abortion when a heart beat is detected – http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0732.xml
- Referred to Public Health and Human Services
- Bill passed in committee
- Read the third time
- Passed as amended
- Transmitted to the Senate
- Referred to Public Health and Welfare
- Title stuff do pass as amended
- Died on Calendar
HB 867 – Heroin and fentanyl; add penalties for possession, or death resulting from use of – http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0867.xml
- Referred to Judiciary B
- Passed in Committee
- Amended
- Point of Order raised
- Set aside, pending a ruling from the Chair
- Point of order, not well taken
- Tabled subject to call
- Died on the Calendar
HB 475 – Hybrid vehicle tax; repeal section of law authorizing – http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0475.xml
- Referred to Ways and Means
- Died in Committee
HB 78 – DPS highway patrol trooper training class-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0078.xml
- Referred to Appropriations
- Died in Committee
HB 337 – The Landowners Protection Act; create – http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0337.xml
- Referred to Judiciary B
- Referred to Judiciary A
- Passed Committee Substitute
- Died on the Calendar
SB 2149 – Death penalty; eliminate for persons with certain intellectual disabilities-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2149.xml
- Referred to Judiciary A
- Died in Committee
SB 2888 – Walnut Grove Correctional Facility; authorize housing of state offenders in- http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2888.xml
- Referred to Corrections/Appropriations
- Passed in Corrections, referred to Appropriations
- Died in Committee
SB 2029 – Dyslexia Therapy Scholarship Program; prescribe standards for participation- http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2029.xml
- Referred to Education
- Died in Committee
SB 2168 – Federal Affordable Care Act; prohibit implementation of ACA and prohibit expansion of Medicaid program.-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2168.xml
- Referred to Medicaid
- Died in Committee
SB 2075 – Common Core National Education Standards; State board of Ed. Shall replace with ELA Standards in 2019-2020 school year.-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2075.xml
- Referred to Education
- Died in Committee
SB 2255 – Vaccination required for school attendance; authorize exemption upon objection of parent or parental, philosophical, or religious belief.-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2255.xml
- Referred to Education
- Died in Committee
SB 2027 – School Safety Grant Program under State Dept. of Education-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2027.xml
- Referred to Education/Appropriations
- Died in Committee
SB 2227 – Teachers’ salaries; provide for $2,500 increase starting in 2019-2020-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/SB/SB2227.xml
- Referred to Education/Appropriations
- Died in Committee
HB 1371 – Medical Marijuana Act of 2019; create – http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB1371.xml
- Referred To Drug Policy; Public Health and Human Services
- Died in Committee
HB 267 – Teacher salary; $4,000 increase over four years beginning in 2019-2020 term- http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0267.xml
- Referred to Education/Appropriations
- Died in Committee
HB 257 – Medicaid: require Gov. and Div. of Medicaid to negotiate to obtain federal waiver to expand Medicaid-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0257.xml
- Referred to Medicaid/Rules/Et Al
- Died in Committee
HB 31 – Certified nurse practitioners; no physician supervision required for certain with over 3,600 hours of clinical practices-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0031.xml
- Referred to Public Health and Human Services
- Died in Committee
HB 77 – Trooper Training Class, require Legislature to appropriate funds in 2019 and 2020 to defray expenses-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0077.xml
- Referred to Appropriations
- Died in Committee
HB 15 – Commission to redesign the Mississippi State Flag-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0015.xml
- Referred to Rules
- Died in Committee
- Second by Rep. Baria: HB 18- http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0018.xml
- Referred to Rules
- Died in Committee
HB 9 – Department of Corrections; provide certain education programs for adult offenders-http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/2019/pdf/history/HB/HB0009.xml
- Referred to Corrections/Appropriations
- Died in Committee