Wicker, Hyde-Smith split on POTUS Emergency Declaration Resolution
My statement on today’s vote. ➡ https://t.co/O53027IriD pic.twitter.com/B4EHdxFsCH
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) March 14, 2019
The President is justified in exercising his statutory authorities under the National Emergencies Act of 1976, which gives him the latitude to declare a national emergency specifically to implement an existing border security law that was enacted with broad bipartisan support. pic.twitter.com/1cWyAXwYPy
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) March 14, 2019
Congressman Bennie Thompson really, really wants Gov. Bryant to give him credit for Evers designation
Give adequate credit. I’ve worked on this for 16 years. https://t.co/8YYk3A75m3
— Bennie G. Thompson (@BennieGThompson) March 14, 2019
Reeves, Hood trade Twitter jabs over border security
The Attorney General’s job is keeping Mississippi safe. Supporting border security is integral to that job. But Jim Hood follows the national liberal Democratic Party instead of standing up for Mississippians. https://t.co/wnDY7f6LkZ
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) March 14, 2019
Elizabeth Warren event in Mississippi closed to other press
First it was open. Now, not so much. Elizabeth Warren’s Mississippi ‘town hall’ invite only for public, closed to press other than CNN https://t.co/3bd95shqZR
— Clarion Ledger (@clarionledger) March 14, 2019
CLARION LEDGER – He’s ruled on some of Mississippi’s biggest cases. Now, Judge Carlton Reeves is a Thomas Jefferson law honoree
Now, Reeves has been named this year’s recipient of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Law from the University of Virginia School of Law where he graduated from in 1989.
Some of the prior winners of the award include Special Counsel Robert Mueller, late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and current U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
“Judge Reeves is an exemplary public servant whose decisions have reached well beyond his seat in Mississippi,” School of Law Dean Risa Goluboff said in a statement. “His opinions elucidate the law through powerful reasoning and a deep humanity that gets to the heart of the issues at stake.”
Congressman Guest sees first bill passed out of committee
Today, the Committee on Homeland Security passed my bipartisan bill that would help law enforcement of all jurisdictions in the combined fight against terrorism. @HomelandGOP pic.twitter.com/C409uMsg5W
— Congressman Michael Guest (@RepMichaelGuest) March 13, 2019
WLOX – Dane Maxwell claims not every candidate for Public Service Commissioner meets qualifications
Maxwell has filed a complaint with the Mississippi Republican Party claiming to have documents to prove Perry Parker is not eligible to qualify for the Southern District Public Service Commission primary. Maxwell sent documents he said show Parker lived and voted in other states as recently as 2016. Maxwell said state law requires candidates for the position must live in the state five years prior to the election.
Parker responded to the complaint and said, “I’ve always lived in Mississippi, invested in Mississippi, owned land and paid taxes in Mississippi. I’ve lived other places, even aboard, but always invested in Mississippi. I’ve been retired since early 2017 and that’s when I became interested in serving in elected office.”
The Mississippi Republican Party’s executive committee will convene on March 21 to review the challenge and all related documents and statutes.
WTOK – Waller speaks at Republican event in Quitman
Bill Waller Jr. is running as a Republican for the governor’s seat.
He was the special guest speaker Thursday night at the Quitman Train Depot for an event hosted by the Clarke County Republican Party and Clarke County Republican Women. He spoke to Clarke County Hot Topics about his message to voters.
“I would say to the voters that I’m a conservative Republican for the nomination, and I’m the best chance, the best opportunity to win in November,” Waller says.
WTOK – Britton campaigning for Secretary of State office
WDAM – Ag Commissioner says meat labeling law will help consumers
Gipson was in Laurel Wednesday to speak to Jones County Republican Women.
On Tuesday, Bryant signed into law Senate Bill 2922, prohibiting animal cultures, plants and insects from being labeled as meat.
Gipson said the law was needed because of what he calls “fake meat” products.
WJTV – Pro-choice advocates protest fetal heart bill
WLOX/WLBT – Proposed legislation would revive expired film incentives
The answer is that Mississippi allowed the tax rebates for the out-of-state productions to expire in 2017. This 2015 PEER report revealed a lower return on investment than what some lawmakers were comfortable supporting.
“They only looked at the only raw dollar amount and they showed that there was about 49 or 50 cent return on every dollar we were spending,” said Sen. Joey Fillingane.
But some in the movie business are telling lawmakers that they threw in the towel too soon.
“Certain industries take time to mature and grow, so obviously there may be some up front investments that have to be made by the state and they pay back over a longer period of time,” Fillingane continued.
The report showed the steady uptick of productions while the rebates were in place. Senate Tourism Chair Lydia Chassanoil says she saw the impacts in her community during filming.
CLARION LEDGER – How will Mississippi spend $23 million in Gulf oil and gas money?
Mississippi will spend more than $23 million in Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act money on six projects, Gov. Phil Bryant announced on Wednesday.
In 2006, Congress passed GOMESA, to share federal Gulf oil and gas production revenue with Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas and local coastal governments.
Bryant said the latest disbursement and projects will help “protect and enhance our beautiful Mississippi Gulf Coast.”
WTOK – Bill: Ban disclosure requirement for some political spending
Mississippi senators have passed a bill that says the government could not require disclosure of donors’ names to certain types of tax-exempt groups involved in politics.
Republican Sen. Jenifer Branning of Philadelphia says people should be able to donate to 501 (c) (4) social welfare organizations without facing repercussions from those who disagree with their views.
But, Democrat Sen. David Blount of Jackson says keeping donors’ names secret “would be the biggest step backward” since Mississippi enacted a campaign finance disclosure law. Blount says the public should know who is spending money to influence politics.
Bryant: Weir Group expanding in Newton
Mining equipment manufacturer, The Weir Group, announced today they’re investing an additional $15 million in their Newton facility as part of a total $50-million plan supporting an additional 150 jobs at the plant. Employment will now increase to more than 400 workers. #MSworks pic.twitter.com/mukRaErThX
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) March 13, 2019
WTOK – Henry confirmed to Mississippi Workers Comp Commission
The Mississippi Senate has confirmed an attorney as the newest member of the state Workers Compensation Commission.
Mark Henry of Brandon was nominated by Gov. Phil Bryant in January. Senators confirmed him to the three-person commission Thursday for a term that runs through 2024.
Henry moves over from his job as director of the Mississippi Department of Employment Security.
State Sen. Gollott handles last bill after 52 years
Special moment in #msleg! Coast delegation celebrates Sen. Gollott after he handled his last bill. 52 yrs! @SeeCoastalMS @sunherald @WLOX pic.twitter.com/9y31GJciV6
— Sen. Brice Wiggins (@bricewigginsMS) March 13, 2019