Thursday, Congressman Michael Guest’s (MS-03) bill – the Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel Exercise Act of 2019 – passed the Committee on Homeland Security.
During the Committee on Homeland Security’s markup of his bill, Congressman Guest expressed his appreciation for the committee’s bipartisan support of H.R.1590. “I want to thank the members of this committee for supporting this bill, and I believe that this bill will help make America safer.”
The Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel Exercise Act of 2019 has received bipartisan praise. Democratic Congressman Donald Payne (NJ-10) welcomed the adoption of the bill in a statement during the committee markup. “I am pleased that the modest modifications we proposed were accepted by Congressman Guest and we are able to work together to enhance this timely homeland security measure,” Payne said.
The Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel Exercise Act of 2019 passed the committee along with three other Republican led bills. Ranking Member Mike Rogers thanked the authors of these bills in a statement. “Each of these bills makes critical improvements to DHS programs that will make America a safer place,” Rogers said. “I am pleased that the committee was able to consider and advance all three pieces of legislation and I now look forward to their swift passage in the House. I want to thank Reps. Walker, Higgins and Guest for their leadership on these important issues.”
Congressman Michael Guest Press Release