Senator Buck Clarke announced on Wednesday that he plans to run for Mississippi State Treasurer in 2019 and will not seek reelection for his Senate seat.
“I won’t be running for the Senate and it is my hope in announcing right now this will give whoever might run for my seat plenty of time before that March 1st deadline to decide whether to run,” said Clarke. “My second message is I am announcing my candidacy for State Treasurer of Mississippi.”
Clarke said he believes he is uniquely qualified to be the Treasurer after spending the last eight years as Appropriations Chairman in the Senate. He was appointed to that position by Lt. Governor Tate Reeves.
Clarke was first elected to the Senate in 2003 serving the Bolivar, Madison, Washington, Yazoo, Humphreys and Sharkey counties. He has served as Appropriations Chairman since 2012, where he succeeded Rep. Alan Nunnelee. He is a Certified Public Accountant with offices in Greenville and Hollandale.
Clark joins businessman David McRae as announced candidates for the Republican nomination for Treasurer. Also rumored to be interested in the race is Southern District Public Service Commissioner Sam Britton.
Y’all Politics also has learned that lobbyist, Delta-native and former 2nd US Congressional Republican candidate Hayes Dent intends to pursue Clark’s state Senate seat now that he has announced he is no longer running.