Sherman won’t debate Baria before Democratic #MSSen run-off
As a voter in Mississippi, I am alarmed that someone would run for a job that requires communication and debate and refuse to participate in a serious discussion when asked. 2/2
— David Baria (@dbaria) June 8, 2018
Hughes says Guest refuses to debate before #MS03 Republican run-off
Michael Guest refuses to debate me. Here is the press release on this issue. pic.twitter.com/Ydc6AYQjQI
— Whit Hughes (@WhitHughesMS3) June 7, 2018
WJTV – Mississippi Leaders Honor Senator Thad Cochran
Mississippi leaders honor Senator Thad Cochran with a retirement party at the Country Club of Jackson.
Media was allowed at the event but was not able to speak or video Cochran, but as WJTV’s Margaret-Ann Carter reports those in attendance were quick to sing his praises.
Senator Thad Cochran may have resigned but his legacy lives on.
“People in Mississippi need to reflect on how good we had it with Senator Cochran the things he did you can’t go to one county in Mississippi where you don’t see his footprint,” Secretary of State, Delbert Hosemann explained.
Federal Courthouse in Jackson getting new name
Lettering has been removed from the Federal Courthouse in Jackson. Soon to be replaced with @SenThadCochran name. pic.twitter.com/cBMMaIISri
— Ryan Annison (@ryanannison) June 7, 2018
McDaniel signs Taxpayer Protection Pledge
For years, I’ve fought politicians in Mississippi who have been reckless with taxpayer dollars. The establishment can’t get enough of running up record debt in bonds and giving to special interests.
That’s why I have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledgehttps://t.co/QHb2ytQtUj
— Sen. Chris McDaniel (@senatormcdaniel) June 7, 2018
WLOX – Mississippi high court: Judges can’t regulate concealed guns
The Mississippi Supreme Court has ruled that some local judges were wrong to ban people with enhanced concealed-carry licenses from taking guns into courthouses.
The high court said Thursday that judges in the 14th Chancery District overstepped their authority because the Mississippi Constitution specifies that only the Legislature “may regulate or forbid carrying concealed weapons.”
The Legislature enacted a law in 2011 saying that people with enhanced concealed-carry licenses may take guns into courthouses but not into courtrooms.
WLBT – Mississippi works on solutions for lowering number of uninsured drivers
Mississippi has one of the country’s highest rates of uninsured drivers. The legislature is trying to crack down on the problem, but say it needs more work.
Mississippi drivers who follow the law also foot the bill of the uninsured drivers.
“A lot of folks just don’t understand the connection between having insurance as providing a pool of money when people are injured,” said Ridgeland City Prosecutor Boty McDonald.
Rep. Gary Chism chairs the House Insurance Committee and says they’ve made it to first base in trying to crack down on uninsured drivers but still have work to do. A new law allows law enforcement to use a verification system to automatically check the insurance status using the tag and VIN numbers, but Chism would still like to see the legislature add another step to catch folks who are trying to skirt the law.
“What we really need to do is to require whenever you get a tag, to show proof of insurance,” added Chism.
Senator Wicker, Hyde-Smith participate in annual Seersucker Day in Congress
It was good to join my colleagues and Senate staff to celebrate #SeersuckerThursday on #NationalSeersuckerDay Mississippi Senator Trent Lott rekindled this tradition in the 1990s. Thank you, Senator Cassidy, for organizing this year! pic.twitter.com/wieVxbwuKH
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) June 7, 2018