A message from Perry Parker, Republican candidate for 3rd District Congressional seat
It’s become clear the last few years that we’ve entered a new era, both for Mississippi and America. The career politicians have put us in a bad place, so we need some new thinking and new energy to take us to a brighter future.
Perry Parker is the kind of leader we need for these times. He’s an outsider to politics, but brings real-world experience and a track record of success. Born and raised in southern Mississippi, where he still calls home with his wife and sons, he hasn’t forgotten where he came from because he still lives here.
Perry’s conservative values are Mississippi’s values: family, faith, pride in America, a love for our Second Amendment rights and the sanctity of life. Unlike too many in Washington, he has an “America First” approach to leadership and will stick to his values when representing the people of the 3rd district.
Perry knows how the economy works and how to bring jobs to Mississippi. He has over 30 years of experience in agriculture and business. Before running a cattle farm in Seminary, Perry ran billion-dollar businesses and created jobs for lots of regular folks. He believes that government should work FOR the people, not get in the way.
Now that we’re making America great again, we need to keep that momentum going. In order to continue draining the swamp in Washington, we need to send it leaders with vision, energy and a different approach to getting the job done right. One of Perry’s beliefs is that politicians stay in Washington too long. That’s why he’s pledged to run on term limits and support term limits legislation.
Perry has never run for office before, but that’s a strength, not a liability. He’s not beholden to the special interests in Washington. His only loyalty is to YOU—the people of Mississippi’s 3rd district.
Find out more about Perry Parker here and vote on June 5th.