State Rep. Jay Hughes, an outspoken Democrat from HD-12, announced this morning on the Paul Gallo Show on SuperTalk Radio that he would be running for Lt. Governor in the 2019 statewide elections.
Shortly after the radio appearance, Hughes held a formal press conference in Jackson to talk a little more about why he has decided to run for the position.
Hughes comes from a poor working class background. His father worked in the oilfield and his mom retired as a truck driver.
“The sad reality is that too many Mississippians still live this way, regardless of how hard they try,” said Hughes. Hughes remarked his grandfather as one of the most important people in his life. He encouraged the philosophy “work hard and do right.”
Hughes is an Army Veteran and holds the belief that “It all starts with education!” In his speech he explained his plan to continue to pursue an agenda that puts emphasis on education first for every child in Mississippi. he is running on a platform to make public education, balance, common sense, open doors and transparency a priority for those in office.
“This isn’t a career, it’s a calling. It isn’t a position, it’s a passion. It isn’t about me, it’s about our future,” said Hughes.
Hughes pushed for voters to vote for who the believe will do the best job, not to strictly follow party lines and enforced his belief in what he says democracy was founded on, and that’s compromise.
Hughes believes he is the right person to serve as Lt. Governor because of his life experience. He served in the U.S. Army before serving in the legislature as a Representative and has also bee an alderman in Lafayette County. He maintains his real estate law practice in Oxford and volunteers as a substitute teacher in his home district.
Hughes has been married to the former Cris Moroney of Natchez for 25 years. They have one daughter, Patricia who is a sophomore in high school.