Palazzo Supports 21st Century Cures
Washington, DC – Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) released the following statement after the House passed the 21st Century Cures Act.
“This bill is beneficial to South Mississippi hospitals and care facilities, but more importantly, it will benefit patients for years to come. We need a 21st century solution to a 20th century problem. This bill supports the advancement of medical innovation in our country, invests heavily in cancer research, and focuses on curing diseases rather than just treating them. This legislation is by no means perfect, but it puts patients and people ahead of politics, and for that reason, I was glad to support it.”
President & CEO Gary Marchand of Memorial Hospital at Gulfport:
“The provisions contained in the 21st Century Cures Act will provide Memorial with the flexibility to meet the healthcare needs of our community through our physician clinic network. The 21st Century Cures Act will also ensure that local demographics will be factored into readmission penalties for services provided to Medicare beneficiaries and will restore payments for core inpatient services. We sincerely thank Congressman Palazzo for his support of this important piece of legislation.”
Lee Voulters, M.D., President of Mississippi State Medical Association:
“The Mississippi State Medical Association stands behind the 21st Century Cures Bill, which would benefit many Mississippians through funding to combat a surmounting opioid crisis with community health programs and substance abuse prevention and treatment activities. The physicians who care for Mississippi are grateful for Congressman Palazzo’s support of this important piece of legislation.”
Evan Dillard, President and CEO, Forrest Health:
“Extension of the Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Program for five years, as part of the 21st Century Cures Act, is a positive step for the rural hospitals that were included in this program across the country. Forrest General Hospital and its’ board greatly appreciate the efforts of the House of Representatives in this step forward. We urge the United States Senate to pass this legislation in an expeditious manner before they adjourn for the year. We want to thank Representative Steven Palazzo for his tremendous support throughout this long process.”
This bill will also extend the Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Program for five years. This provision is essential to hospitals such as Marion General in Columbia. It will alleviate pressure on smaller and more rural hospitals, that do not fall under the critical access designation, by providing increased Medicare reimbursements so they can serve their communities. It also would remove Obamacare provisions that penalize hospitals who serve the most underprivileged, in the most rural areas, operating under the lowest budgets. Furthermore, this bill will ensure flexibility in physician supervision for critical access hospitals and help keep their doors open.