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Neshoba County Fair political speaking...

Neshoba County Fair political speaking schedule

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 8, 2016

Neshoba Fair schedule, info


At Founders Square

9 a.m.: Mark Duncan (D), District Attorney, 8th Circuit Court District

9:10 a.m.: Christopher A. Collins, Circuit Judge, 8th Circuit Court District

9:20 a.m.: Vernon Cotten, Circuit Judge, 8th Circuit Court District

9:30 a.m.: D. Joseph Kilgore, Chancery Judge, 6th Chancery Court District

9:40 a.m.: Michael Ted Evans (D), State Representative, District 45

9:50 a.m.: Jenifer Branning (R) State Senator, District 18

10 a.m.: C. Scott Bounds (R) State Representative, District 44

10:10 a.m.: Dick Hall (R), Chairman, MS Transportation Commission

10:20 a.m.: Mike Chaney (R), Commissioner of Insurance

10:30 a.m.: Jim Hood (D), Attorney General

10:40 a.m.: Tate Reeves (R) Lieutenant Governor


At Founders Square

8:50 a.m.: Dow Yoder, Candidate for the Court of Appeals, Dist. 3, Place 1

9 a.m.: Ed Hannan, Cand. for the Court of Appeals, Dist. 3, Place 1

9:10 a.m.: Jack Wilson, Cand. for the Court of Appeals, Dist. 3, Place 1

9:20 a.m.: Cecil Brown (D), Public Service Commissioner, Central Dist.

9:30 a.m.: Cindy Hyde –Smith (R), Comm. of Agriculture & Commerce

9:40 a.m.: Lynn Fitch (R), Treasurer

9:50 a.m.: Delbert Hosemann (R), Secretary of State

10 a.m.: Kenny Griffis, Cand. for Supreme Court, Dist. 1, Place 3

10:10 a.m.: Jim Kitchens, Cand. for Supreme Court, Dist. 1, Place 3

10:20 a.m.: Roger Wicker (R), U.S. Senator

10:30 a.m.: Philip Gunn (R), Speaker of the House

10:40 a.m.: Phil Bryant (R), Governor

Clarion Ledger

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.