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IMPIC releases ad ‘One...

IMPIC releases ad ‘One Judge’ about the potential power grab that #Initiative42 could spark

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 2, 2015


New ad exposes real impact of changing the state’s constitution: One Hinds County Judge would have power to control all public education policy

JACKSON, MISS. (October 2, 2015) – Today a new ad by the Improve Mississippi Political Initiative Committee goes on air exposing the real impact of Initiative 42, a Democrat effort that would give one liberal Hinds County judge the sole authority to make public education policy and funding decisions.

While proponents of Initiative 42 talk about everything but the actual text of their amendment, the IMPIC ad released today reveals the truth about 42: This amendment would do nothing but give power to an unaccountable Hinds County judge to control decisions for all of Mississippi’s school children.


Seen this TV ad? It shows a politician stealing money from our schools. See that? But they never tell you which politician it is. If Initiative 42 passes, one liberal Hinds County Judge would get all the power. The power to take your money from your school and give it to the school district he chooses. One liberal judge making all school funding decisions in the state. Protect your school. Protect your school’s money. Vote against Initiative 42.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.