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Kelly learning the ropes in DC #MS01

Kelly learning the ropes in DC #MS01

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 7, 2015

Mr. Kelly goes to Washington

The first three weeks as the country’s newest congressman have been a learning experience for Trent Kelly.

“We were up there a week and the pace is pretty fast,” he said. “My days are mapped out on a pretty tight schedule. Some times it is hard to find five minutes during the day that are mine.”

A military man with 29 years in the National Guard, Kelly is accustomed to getting up and going to work. But the schedule Congress keeps is a lot different than the schedule most of Northeast Mississippi keeps.

“I go into the office each morning around 8 but a lot of times, they don’t start voting on things until 6:30 at night and go into the night,” he said. “We had one day last past midnight.”

Daily Journal


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.