What happened to the ‘SEC Primary?’
Hosemann said he met last year with the governor, Reeves and Gunn, and all appeared onboard. Late last year, he reported that state Democratic, Republican and legislative leaders were in accord.
Hosemann said he doesn’t know if election-year or other politics played a role in Reeves killing the bill.
“But I can tell you this, I can’t understand why the bill didn’t pass,” Hosemann said. “It doesn’t make any political sense for Mississippi, and it doesn’t make any economic sense.”
Reeves disagrees and says his opposition was not personal or political. Reeves said he consulted with presidential election and campaign experts and determined it was a bad idea. For starters, he said, Florida and Louisiana are not joining, and other states have not yet decided.
Reeves said Mississippi joining would have opposite the desired effect: Mississippi would be ignored in favor of the larger states.
“Texas has more electoral votes in the San Antonio media market than we do in our entire state,” Reeves said. “That’s not including Dallas, Houston … same thing with Atlanta. Where do you think a candidate is going to go … if they have to choose between Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Atlanta or Hattiesburg?”
Clarion Ledger