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Chris Brown Announces Campaign for...

Chris Brown Announces Campaign for #MS01

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 24, 2015

Chris Brown, conservative Republican state Representative, today began his campaign for Congress in Mississippi’s 1st District, with the following statement:

“The upcoming special election is a sad necessity, as we all would have preferred for Congressman Nunnelee to have won his courageous fight against cancer. He set an example for all of us in his faith, devotion to family, and as a public servant. He was always very kind and encouraging to me. We shared a passion of working to benefit Mississippi.

Now, after much prayer and consideration, I have decided that it is appropriate for me to offer myself as a candidate for service in the U.S. House of Representatives.

My record as a state legislator proves that I am a fiscal and social conservative. I am a Big Freedom Republican, not a big government Republican. On the national level I will be a strong advocate for the best national defense and national security.

America’s freedom has enemies both foreign and domestic. Internationally, the enemy is the radical Islamist jihad against America and Western civilization. Domestically, the enemy of American freedom is the socialist philosophy of President Obama and his allies.

In Congress, I will uphold the Constitution, defending it and, Congress itself, from the actions of President Obama who does end-runs around both, ignores the rights of the states and the people, and who acts like a king, not a president.
I will work to defund, repeal and replace ObamaCare with free market, patient-centered healthcare options for Americans.

I will fight to stop Washington’s outrageous spending and debt that are bankrupting America.

President Obama’s war on coal negatively impacts TVA and will cause utility bills to soar. I will stand up for the people of Mississippi against this assault on their household finances.

I oppose amnesty for illegal aliens; we must enforce our laws and secure our borders. I will support a strong national defense, call for vigorous action to defeat Islamist terrorists, and strongly support our ally Israel.

My vision is for America to again be strong, free and prosperous, with limited government and maximum individual liberty.

Join the Chris Brown for Congress campaign and help take our country back from a federal government that is too big, too expensive, too intrusive, too corrupt, and too detached from the people.

To learn more about me and what I believe, visit”

Chris Brown Press Release

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.