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Rep. Steven Palazzo qualifies his vote...

Rep. Steven Palazzo qualifies his vote for Speaker Boehner

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 6, 2015

My Vote for Speaker

Over the past week, many of you have contacted me asking me to vote against John Boehner for Speaker of the House. Americans are frustrated with the leadership in Washington, and they should be. President Obama and his liberal friends are destroying this country and we have to fight back.

I met with Speaker Boehner yesterday one-on-one and man-to-man for more than an hour. I asked him directly whether he was going to be a conservative leader who will stand up to the liberal agenda of President Obama, and he unequivocally said yes. I believe him and am willing to give the Speaker and his team a last chance to put us back on a conservative path for America.

If Speaker Boehner refuses to put forward conservative solutions immediately to our nation’s problems, I will vehemently oppose his every move.

I strongly considered opposing Speaker Boehner. However, after careful consideration and speaking with dozens of my colleagues, I realized that a viable, more conservative candidate would not, and ultimately did not, emerge. Other candidates simply did not have the votes.

I realize many people disagree with this decision, but I was not willing to compromise my ability to serve South Mississippi for a purely symbolic vote that could later be used to punish my constituents. I believe a vote against Speaker Boehner would have been harmful to our jobs and the economy of South Mississippi and diminish my ability to effectively represent the citizens of South Mississippi.

Throwing South Mississippi under the bus just to make a point was not an option.

As the most conservative member of the Mississippi delegation and one of the most conservative in the country, I decided to choose my constituents and South Mississippi over a purely political vote.


Rep. Steven Palazzo Press Release

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.