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McDaniel lead counsel Mitch Tyner to...

McDaniel lead counsel Mitch Tyner to keynote Tea Party annual meeting

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 22, 2014




November 15, 2014

10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Pearl Community Center

2420 Old Brandon Road – Pearl, MS 39208

Notice is hereby given to Delegates to attend the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Tea Party. The meeting will be held at the Pearl Community Center, 2420 Old Brandon Road Pearl, MS 39208, on November 15, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Individual Members and their spouses may attend.

Having exerted strong political pressure on state officials and 2014 Legislators, the Mississippi Tea Party will draft our plans for 2015 Session as Legislators will undoubtedly face many challenges. Our main emphasis and concerns are Common Core, election law reform, and local government accountability/reform, etc. We will work on our 2015 plan and strongly urge all state Delegates to attend with your suggestions, ideas and be ready to work!

We will be acknowledging the 5-year Anniversary of the Mississippi Tea Party which had its founding on April 15, 2009, with a crowd of 3,000+ people at a Rally on the MS Capitol Steps protesting “Taxed Enough Already.”

Attorney Mitch Tyner, lead counsel for Senator Chris McDaniel, will give the keynote address.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.