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House Ed chair Rep. Moore on...

House Ed chair Rep. Moore on #CommonCore: “I’m not in the mood to…redo a new set of standards”

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 24, 2014

No big changes seen for Common Core in Mississippi

The leaders of Mississippi’s legislative education committees do not expect dramatic changes to be made to the Common Core State Standards in the 2015 legislative session…

..Some have said that uncertainty could prompt the involvement of the state Legislature when it convenes in January. House Education Chairman John Moore and Senate Education Chairman Gray Tollison, however, each said on Monday that any immediate changes made to the standards likely would be small.

“I’m not in the mood to go in and try to redo a new set of standards,” said Moore, R-Brandon. “Changing the standards or changing the assessment is not something you can do overnight.”


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.