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Childers talks women’s pay,...

Childers talks women’s pay, Cochran camp says the issue was addressed in 1963 #MSSen

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 17, 2014

Travis Childers hits Thad Cochran on women’s pay legislation, campaign spokesman calls it ‘election year stunt’

JACKSON, Mississippi — Democratic former U.S. Rep. Travis Childers said Tuesday that if he’s elected to the Senate, he will support a bill requiring employers to pay women and men the same amount for doing the same jobs.

“I have learned to listen to the women in my family, especially concerning family issues. I only have to look back as far as my own mother to be able to talk about and tell you that I proudly support the paycheck fairness act,” Childers said during a news conference in Jackson….

…Cochran campaign spokesman Jordan Russell said the incumbent supports equal pay.

“This bill is just an election year stunt and a gift to trial lawyers,” Russell said. “Travis Childers was a loyal foot soldier for Nancy Pelosi when he was in the House, so it should come as no surprise he is pledging to march to Harry Reid’s tune in the Senate.”

Russell also said two federal laws that were enacted before Cochran took office — the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 — already address “alleged pay discrimination.”


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