We interrupt our coverage to bring you this special report.
Who doesn’t love a good BBQ? Sprinkle it with some constitutions and a couple of “patriots” at the microphone and you’ve got the makings for a Chris McDaniel fundraiser. “Wild Bill for America” will come educate the attendees. With such great youtube hits as “White Guy Riot” and “Angry Black Men?”, the Political Analysis Team here at Y’allPolitics is still doing a regression analysis about why McDaniel didn’t do better in the black community during the runoff.
Meanwhile, the “Republicans of Jones County” group (not apparently to be confused with the GOP in Jones County), sent a letter to four statewide elected officials and Joe Nosef requesting/demanding their presence to come defend themselves about “party raiding” and “race baiting”. Knowing the maxim that the leader of an unruly mob that governs least, governs best, they knew that security at the event would be an issue. From their letter . . .
“We acknowledge and realize the potential for disturbance, open discord, and vocal outburst in this setting. We will provide additional security.”
No word on whether attendees would be forced to leave their pitchforks at the door.
Joe Nosef flanked the group by sending a letter to the actual GOP head of Jones County saying that he’d be happy to come speak to Jones County Republicans.
Since last Friday’s legal decision that ended McDaniel’s chances at the trial level, the chosen one was to be reflecting in solitude about whether to appeal. And by reflecting in solitude, we mean openly navel gazing on facebook.
There are some real doozies of quotes in the comments, but no more of a doozy than from his erstwhile campaign manager, Sen. Melanie Sojourner. Bless her heart, she’s taking this whole runoff thing pretty tough. So much so, that she’s now openly advocating for McDaniel supporters to vote for the Democratic nominee to spite Thad Cochran.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise. The question is, how will the party handle such an open rebellion?
Meanwhile, the McDaniel campaign had set the expectation to announce an appeal decision on Tuesday. On Monday night, that got changed to Wednesday. He’s still looking for a sign.
Looking for a #mssen sign in all the wrong places. @clarionledger pic.twitter.com/2uieYzM7SS
— Marshall Ramsey (@MarshallRamsey) September 3, 2014
But before McDaniel could avoid announcing for just one more day, a ghost from the past came to steal the day’s thunder. Clayton Kelly put on facebook (and then immediately took it off) that he didn’t exactly dig the vibe that he was getting from DA Michael Guest and Company and that he was going to trial. But if you want to get involved in the “Free Clayton Kelly” movement, there’s a facebook page for that, too.
Imagine for a moment having a McDaniel Supreme Court appeal, a Clayton Kelly trial and Chas. Johnson testifying before the Lauderdale County Grand Jury (about McDaniel’s campaign manager Noel Fritsch) all at the same time.
We can dream, can’t we?
That’s the way it was – Day 72 of the McDaniel Hostage Crisis.
Good day Mississippi – and good luck.