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Message about recovery from Rep. Alan...

Message about recovery from Rep. Alan Nunnelee – progress enabling him to come home to district

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 29, 2014

Dear Friends,

I grew up in Columbus and was a member of the Caldwell Bobcats football team. Like most other high schools in Mississippi, in early August, we started two-a-day practices. After two weeks of grueling hot summer practices, Coach Robert Youngblood loaded us in buses for a week of football camp at the YMCA Camp Pratt. Three-a-day practices, wind sprints, and cabins without air conditioning made the previous weeks of two-a-days seem like a picnic. I vividly remember waking up the last day of camp hearing the melodic voice of one of my teammates echoing through the cabin, “Goin’ home.” We all identified with his sentiment and quickly adopted his singsong statement, repeating it all during breakfast that morning.

My recent illness has caused me to be hospitalized for an extended period and unfortunately, it has physically separated me from the places and people I dearly love. My medical team says I have made significant progress, and in their expert opinion, I am now ready to return to my beloved Mississippi for the remainder of my outpatient stroke rehabilitation. Today, I find my teammate’s sentiment of 40 years ago echoing in my heart, “Goin’ home.”

During my time of rehabilitation, I have received many calls, cards, and messages assuring me of prayers on my behalf and sharing encouraging passages of Scripture. Those prayers and Scriptures have continually motivated me throughout my recovery. I look forward to seeing face-to-face those of you who have faithfully prayed for me. I am anxious to thank each of you in person because I have seen the power of your prayers firsthand, just as we are reminded in James 5:16, “Pray for one another, that you might be healed and restored. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Going home!

Stay in touch and God bless,
Alan Nunnelee

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.