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@TheHill – Chris McDaniel has...

@TheHill – Chris McDaniel has paid little attention to Rev. Fielder mess, but did go to Disneyworld

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 14, 2014

McDaniel: I have ‘rock-solid’ case

McDaniel said he has not paid close attention to allegations involving Mississippi pastor Stevie Fielder, who told a conservative blogger that a Cochran staffer asked him to pay for votes. Fielder later said Noel Fritsch, a McDaniel campaign staffer, paid him to lie to the blogger.

Fritsch denies paying Fielder. State Attorney General Jim Hood is investigating, something McDaniel welcomes.

“That’s a good thing. I hope as they begin to subpoena documents between Rev. Fielder and others they’ll get to the bottom of this,” McDaniel said. “I’m glad we’re seeing the wheels of justice move and subpoenas are out there.”

Since the runoff, McDaniel has apparently returned to his law firm and also took a trip with his family to Disney World.

The Hill

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.