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CRAWDADDY – It’s been a...

CRAWDADDY – It’s been a real McDaniel of a week, and it’s only Wednesday

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 14, 2014

It’s been a real McDaniel of a week, and it’s only Wednesday

Then, McDaniel’s attorney Mitch Tyner filed an addendum to an already lengthy challenge that questions the veracity of dozens of votes, including his own. If I were him, I’d sue myself just to make sure I’ve covered all the bases.

Oh, and he filed the addendum with the state GOP, which has already rejected the challenge.

And if the court challenge fails? There’s always 2015, election year for statewide offices and the Legislature. Conservatives are peeved, McDaniel told Pender, and they’ll “try to turn it into something in 2015.”

Can’t wait.

Sun Herald

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.