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Chris McDaniel cites coordination of...

Chris McDaniel cites coordination of “party leaders” for misleading local elections officials #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 13, 2014

Last week we filed our election challenge with the State Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Mississippi. Now more than ever, it is crucial that we be able to fund this fight. Please chip in if you can.

The State Executive Committee of the Republican Party refused to hold an open hearing on our challenge.

The Republican Party State Executive Committee would have been the perfect venue in which to present the evidence we’ve been collecting for one reason: the Party is responsible for running the Republican primary.

So where do we go from here?

The next step is to file our challenge with the courts.

Our case is a strong one. We have over 300 pages of affidavits detailing the many problems with the Republican Party’s primary system.

There are over 15,000 questionable votes, thousands of which are ineligible crossover votes, and many thousands more of which cannot be explained by those responsible for the election.

These are not just clerical errors.

There was a coordinated effort on behalf of some of the leaders in the party to mislead some of those in charge of elections at the precinct level.

The result is thousands of irregularities, including the co-mingling of absentee ballots with in-person ballots, wide-scale ballot box chain-of-custody failures, and serious questions about the mechanisms put in place to prevent crossover voting.

We will file our challenge this week in the judicial system, and our fight for election integrity will continue.

A few notes on the challenge:

• Despite rampant misinformation, it is not necessary that we demonstrate that more than 7,700 crossover votes were cast in order to win, though that would certainly be helpful.
• Party raiding has been declared unconstitutional under the First Amendment.
• According to case law and Mississippi statutes, it is clear the Cochran campaign solicited illegal votes.
• Combine the illegal party raiding with wide-scale documented irregularities listed below, and it’s clear we have an actionable case.
• Absentee ballots were accepted which failed to meet legal requirements.
• Four counties failed to document security of voting machines.
• Twenty-two counties failed to keep ballot boxes sealed and secure.
• Seventeen counties failed to secure proper records in the ballot boxes as required by law.
• Nine counties failed to maintain the security and inventory of issued ballots.

The fight won’t be easy, and it won’t be cheap. So I’m asking you to chip in $50 or more to help us fund this fight.

This fight isn’t just about my senate campaign. It’s about honesty, transparency, and the integrity of the Republican Party’s nomination process.

The results of this challenge will have far-reaching consequences here in Mississippi and across the nation.

It is imperative that we send a message to the establishment that conservatives are here to stay, and we will be involved in our Party’s nomination process even if it means taking this fight to court.

We will file this challenge in the courts soon. I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, please consider chipping in with whatever you’re able to contribute. Even $5, $10, or $15 will help.

We’re almost there. We are nearing the end of this process, and will carry it out to its logical legal conclusion. Your support in this effort has been vital, and it is well apprciated

Thank you very much for your continued support.

In liberty

Chris McDaniel

Chris McDaniel fundraising request

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.