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McDaniel: throw out the votes I...

McDaniel: throw out the votes I don’t like and declare me the winner #MSSen

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 5, 2014

McDaniel: Declare me the winner

Mississippi state Sen. Chris McDaniel (R) demanded that the state Republican Party overturn Sen. Thad Cochran’s June primary victory and declare him the winner in a Monday press conference…

…”We anticipate that after they review the challenge that they’ll see that Chris McDaniel clearly won the Republican vote in the runoff,” said McDaniel attorney Mitch Tyner. “Chris McDaniel clearly won the runoff by 25,000 votes. … We’re not asking for a new election. We’re simply asking that the Republican Party actually recognize the person who won the runoff election.”

The Hill

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.