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@MSGOP chair @JoeNosef Slams Missouri...

@MSGOP chair @JoeNosef Slams Missouri GOP’s Call To Investigate Runoff Ads #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 31, 2014

MS GOP Chair Slams Missouri GOP’s Call To Investigate Runoff Ads

Here’s Nosef’s full statement emailed to TPM in response to Martin’s call:

The many RNC members who have contacted me view this suggestion for what it is which is – a publicity stunt and not a serious or logical suggestion. Any objective person has to understand that right now, as we in Mississippi both anticipate a potential election challenge and attempt to prepare for the general election at the same time, no good would come out of taking time and resources to “investigate” some advertisements that apparently were done during part of the runoff campaigning. Unfortunately we’ve had many things happen in this race that some day it would be good to look into, but right now as we are finally regaining some order over the process and trying to focus on the general election, the last thing we need is some review like this by people unfamiliar with our situation. It would be at best a distraction and more likely harmful to our general election prospects.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.