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@WashingtonPost – outside groups...

@WashingtonPost – outside groups coordinated with each other on Chris McDaniel campaign #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 28, 2014

Coming soon: A campaign run entirely by super PACs

FreedomWorks and other outside groups are legally barred from coordinating with the campaign. This is because of campaign contribution limits. Without prohibitions on coordination, campaigns could simply tell well-funded groups like FreedomWorks what to do and where to do it, without themselves having to raise a dime.

But nothing prevents FreedomWorks from working with other outside groups, like Club For Growth or the Senate Conservatives Fund. Walker confirmed that the groups that were working on behalf of McDaniel had coordinated with each other, although he declined to go into detail. But as he’d indicated, those groups did TV, radio, and mail; The Club spent over $125,000 on mail, $100,000 on radio, and $1.2 million on TV. FreedomWorks, Walker said, “is part of complement that works well. We all work really well together.”

Surely, you would think, there must be some law that prevents groups from taking it a step further, from raising millions of dollars and running a unified campaign to elect a candidate without his or her having to lift a finger?

You’d be wrong.

Washington Post

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.