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Ann Coulter: If McDaniel supporters...

Ann Coulter: If McDaniel supporters want to show what bad-ass studs they are, beat Democrats

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 24, 2014

ANN COULTER: Eyes on the prize

If Chris McDaniel’s supporters want to show what bad-ass studs they are, how about walking across the Mississippi River and getting Tom Cotton elected in Arkansas? He’s running against a Democrat, fellas! Or how about walking a little farther down the river, to Louisiana, and helping Bill Cassidy take out another Democrat?

Those two Democrats, Sens. Mark Pryor and Mary Landrieu, could well win re-election in red states — despite voting for Obamacare and amnesty. And tea partiers are still focused like a laser beam on making Republican senators more perfect, rather than beating Democrats.

Yes, it’s annoying to see a Republican appeal to Democratic voters to save his seat. But Thad Cochran is hardly Arlen Specter, who was a thorn in Republicans’ side forever.

At least McDaniel’s allies have a good plan. They’re going to invent a time machine and travel back to June 24 to undo the runoff election. Wait — they don’t have a time machine?

It also doesn’t look great having alleged Republican activists claiming that any votes from blacks in a GOP primary were fraudulent. It so happens that Cochran has always won a fair portion of the black vote — and the Democrat vote.

In Cochran’s last election without Barack Obama on the ticket, he won 85 percent of the vote — and Mississippi is half-Democrat and nearly 40 percent black. Even in his most recent election in 2008, when Obama was on the ticket, Cochran won 40,000 more votes than John McCain — a pretty good estimate of how many blacks voted for Cochran.

Ann Coulter

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.