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Chris McDaniel #mssen fundraising email...

Chris McDaniel #mssen fundraising email – ‘I believe that the election was stolen’

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 21, 2014

I’m taking the next steps to make sure that we uncover the truth about last month’s shameful primary runoff election, but I need your help. Please, take a moment to donate to the Election Challenge Fund to make sure our voice is heard in court.

When I first decided to run for office, I faced an incredible amount of opposition from the Republican Party because they were sure I didn’t stand a chance. Slowly but surely, conservative leaders from around the country began to believe in my campaign for conservative values. Eventually, true conservatives from coast to coast came to believe in my campaign.

Going through the process of investigating the election has been similar. Members of the media and members of the establishment say it’s a waste of time and that it will cost too much money.

But now, just like before, conservative leaders are getting on board.

Just last week, a coalition of conservative leaders from around the country wrote to the Republican National Committee to urge them to investigate the runoff. Our efforts to uncover the truth are gaining momentum, and now is the time to press forward and demand justice for Mississippi’s elections. Please, stand with me as I fight
for a full investigation.

We put in a lot of work during the campaign, and our work is not over. We cannot give up this fight. This effort is about more than just this seat in the senate. It’s about ensuring the integrity of our elections and making sure that every election around the country is fair.

What do you think? If you want to help me discover the truth about last month’s runoff, then take a moment to donate $50 to the Election Challenge Fund.

I believe that the election was stolen, and with your help, we will discover the truth once and for all.

In Liberty,

Chris McDaniel

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.