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Chris McDaniel presses for more funds...

Chris McDaniel presses for more funds to support lawsuits in #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 16, 2014

Mississippi’s primary runoff election was a huge victory for the establishment. They proved that with enough money and power, it didn’t matter who the conservative people of Mississippi wanted to elect.
For the political insiders, it sure looks like the shady tactics and piles of money paid off perfectly.

But I strongly believe that the majority of Republicans voted for me in our runoff election, and I am working tirelessly to prove that thousands of illegal votes were cast.

As you know, I am mounting a legal challenge to make sure our voice is heard in court. Can you support me in my efforts to protect the integrity of Mississippi’s elections?

The big money interests that stole this election for Thad Cochran probably think this fight is over. They think they have silenced true conservatives from around the country and that Thad Cochran will serve six more years in the U.S. Senate. They are ready for us to give up the fight.

Here’s what I think: We cannot stop fighting the results of this election until the very end.We know there was wrongdoing in our election, and it is our responsibility to uncover the truth and make sure that justice is served.

Here’s where we stand right now – we have identified thousands of irregular and hard crossover votes, and we’ve still not been granted access to all data in all counties around the state. We still have a lot of work to do, but we’re making progress.

This will not be easy, but I’m up for the challenge. This is about more than representing Mississippi in the Senate – it’s about making sure that everyone in Mississippi and around the country can vote in fair elections without having to worry whether or not they’re corrupt.

This legal challenge will be expensive, and I need all the help I can get to make sure we mount a challenge worthy of this cause. If you can, please take a moment to contribute to the Election Challenge Fund.

Thanks for standing with me so far. I assure you, this fight is far from over.

Chris McDaniel

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.