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Missouri GOP head Ed Martin trying to...

Missouri GOP head Ed Martin trying to turn another Todd Akin trick in #mssen for Chris McDaniel

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 9, 2014

Missouri GOP chair Ed Martin, who sympathized with braniancs like Todd Akin, has decided he’d like to get involved in the Mississippi Senate debacle.

According to the Washington Post, Ed Martin was writing a letter to Reince Priebus to investigate ‘racially charged’ ads in the MS Senate Runoff.

Below are Martin’s complete letters to Priebus and members of the RNC.

Dear fellow RNC member,

Please see below and attached.

Over the past few days, I have reached out to many but not all of you about some of what Missouri Republicans were asking about re Mississippi especially about the racially divisive ads run in support of Senator Cochran.

Many of you gave me good advice, some were silent, and I got lots of input from Mississippi too. My purpose in this is for us – we the RNC – to lead and help find out exactly what happened and move past it. I consider this type of leadership central to our role as party leaders.

Some of my discussions were not easy with others being brought in via forwarded emails and some were contentious (with one exchange bordering on threatening) as folks want to move on. I mean this to be an RNC issue – that we sort out. But we cannot shy from the truth.

At this point, I am asking Reince to lead us – to appoint a committee of we RNC members to get to the bottom of the facts regarding the racially divisive ads and to report back to us for the August meeting. I have purposely left the membership of this committee up to Reince so that he can move quickly.

I do not mean for this to be hostile but I do mean this to be about truth-telling. I hope you will consider supporting my request.


All the best.



Dear Chairman Priebus,

As you know, the situation in Mississippi following the Republican primary run-off is receiving national attention.

I have been particularly concerned about the racially divisive ads and robocalls that have been reported by the Daily Mail. Specifically, that reporting indicated that one of our RNC members was directly responsible for the racially divisive ads.

I have been asking some of my fellow RNC members for their input and advice. Many of us are unsure of all of the facts and seek more.

Specifically, if one of our own members helped finance ads or robocalls that tarred Tea Partiers as a group as racists, I am sure that most RNC members would find that deeply offensive, indeed unacceptable. We cannot object to the Left smearing conservatives with such labels if we do not rebuke those on our side who sink to such tactics.

At this time, I respectfully request that you appoint a special committee of RNC members to investigate this matter and report to us at our August 7th Members meeting before the August 8th general RNC meeting. This would give us time to address the issues and act if necessary.

Thank you for your prompt consideration of my request.

All the best.


Ed Martin

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