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MITCHELL: All we need to do is edge the...

MITCHELL: All we need to do is edge the clowns off the stage #MSSen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 8, 2014

CHARLIE MITCHELL: Edge the clowns off the stage

Last week Mississippians joined in the celebration of America.

Some might say we are delusional, that we celebrate a country that does not exist. Are we the land of the free, home of the brave? Able to manage our culture, our finances? Or are we lost sheep — decadent, self-serving, directionless?

We choose not to ponder these things at celebrations. America? Heck yea! Pass the watermelon.

On June 24, Mississippi had a runoff to nominate a Republican for one of its U.S. Senate seats.

For weeks before and since, we have been treated to one bizarre development after another, one nutty claim after another. Accusations and weirdness stacked upon accusations and weirdness.

We were told the stakes were high, but other than who got the most votes, the June 3 primary and June 24 runoff didn’t decide anything.

Not really.

Too much go-along-to-get-along

The contest between state Sen. Chris McDaniel and incumbent U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran was like all those last-minute continuing budget resolutions Congress has to keep passing to keep America from going belly-up in world financial markets. The resolutions are a political hammer with which Republicans and Democrats can keep knocking each other in the head, but provide no lasting fix. Like the election. A can kicker.

In terms of their conservatism, McDaniel and Cochran would vote the same 99 percent of the time on social issues. They think differently about financing, little else.

McDaniel, of course, represents the firebrand side. Fueled by an obsession that Democrats cater to a something-for-nothing crowd, Tea Partiers have turned on their former fellow conservatives for not being conservative enough. They see the fiscal cliff ahead and want serious brakes applied — now.

They don’t talk about what will happen if the federal books are balanced too quickly. That’s because they must know an economic collapse would follow at least as severe as what’s going to happen if spending continues to escalate at current rates.

The upstarts fault Cochran and other “traditional” Republicans for being too go-along-to-get-along with Democrats. But how do you fault a person like Cochran, king of earmarks, who has funneled so much money to Mississippi for so long and across such a broad spectrum? Beat him up for giving us what we ask for? Almost everyone, including President Obama, agrees that the federal government spends too much. But the solution is not to turn off the tap.

Once, decades ago, there was a bright line between public and private spending, between public and private economies. Now there’s not. These days they interlock, one can’t prosper unless the other does. Witness the fact that when Bill Clinton left office, there was a projected federal tax surplus — enough income to start paying down the national debt. Many factors were in play, but the leading reason for the surplus was a national economy that was really churning….

….All we need to do is edge the clowns off the stage and invite thoughtfulness and reason back into public discourse.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.