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Jackson County circuit clerk looks to...

Jackson County circuit clerk looks to certify #MSSen before addressing McDaniel review request

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 1, 2014

Jackson County will certify runoff results before addressing Chris McDaniel request to review poll books

PASCAGOULA, Mississippi — Jackson County has received requests via fax and mail from Chris McDaniel’s campaign to review poll books, Circuit Clerk Joe Martin said today.

“We’ve had several folks call us, but our priority is certifying these election results,” Martin said. “That’s the first process, and then we’ll act on any requests.”

Martin said the county must first wait until 5 p.m. Tuesday to allow anyone who voted without identification to present ID at the courthouse and validate their vote.

After that, the county can certify the results.

“Then we’ll look at this request and decide,” Martin said. “We’re going to talk with the election commissioners and decide how to proceed probably Wednesday.”

There were only nine affidavit votes cast by those without ID in the runoff, he said, and so far only one has returned to the courthouse with an ID so the vote can be counted.

Across the state, approximately 250 affidavit ballots were cast in the primary runoff election by voters who did not present acceptable photo ID, Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann said today….

…Jackson County election commissioner Danny Glaskox said today that his team hasn’t found any inconsistencies in the results yet.

“But we can’t really go into all this stuff until we certify the result,” Glaskox said.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.