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McDaniel balks Senate Conservative...

McDaniel balks Senate Conservative Coalition, Common Core opponents to confirm Ed Supt. Wright

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 19, 2014

The Mississippi Senate voted 46-6 on Tuesday to confirm Carey Wright as the State Superintendent of Education.

A majority of the Senate Conservative Coalition (SCC) opposed Wright’s confirmation mainly due to her support of Common Core.

State Sen. Chris McDaniel, a candidate for US Senate and vocal opponent of Common Core, did not join his SCC colleagues in their dissenting votes. Instead, McDaniel and his campaign coordinator, state Sen. Melanie Sojourner, also a member of the SCC, voted to confirm Wright to the post.

Here’s the roll call vote:

YEAS AND NAYS. The yeas and nays being taken, the Senate did advise and consent to S. N. No. 9 by the following vote:

Yeas–Blount, Brown, Browning, Bryan, Burton, Butler A. (36th), Butler K. (38th), Carmichael, Chassaniol, Clarke, Collins, Dawkins, Doty, Fillingane, Frazier, Gollott, Hale, Harkins, Hopson, Horhn, Hudson, Jackson R. (11th), Jackson S. (32nd), Jolly, Jones, Jordan, Kirby, Lee, Longwitz, Massey, McDaniel, Montgomery, Moran, Norwood, Parks, Polk, Simmons D. T. (12th), Simmons W. (13th), Sojourner, Stone, Tindell, Tollison, Turner, Ward, Wiggins, Wilemon. Total–46.

Nays–Gandy, Hill, Jackson G. (15th), Parker, Smith, Watson. Total–6.

Absent and those not voting—-None

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