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Brian Perry (@CapstonePerry) – Thad Cochran (@ThadforMS) is the practical and conservative choice

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 17, 2014

BRIAN PERRY: Cochran is the practical and conservative choice

Wyatt Emmerich’s engaging column Sunday about the Thad Cochran-Chris McDaniel race in the Republican primary described the race as a choice between practical or pure ideology.

We at Mississippi Conservatives believe voters do not face an either/or choice. Voters can have a both/and candidate.

Voters with a conservative ideology should choose Thad Cochran. He has a 100 percent record with National Right to Life and an A rating from the NRA. He has voted against Obamacare at every opportunity and introduced legislation to repeal that failed policy. Republicans such as Gov. Phil Bryant, Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves, Sen. Roger Wicker, former Sen. Trent Lott and U.S. Reps. Alan Nunnelee, Gregg Harper and Steven Palazzo all support Cochran. These elected officials have been tested by Mississippi’s conservative Republican primary and have proven their conservative credentials, as has Cochran.

Cochran is also the practical choice. He has the experience and seniority to represent Mississippians. He proved it in the recent Farm Bill when in the midst of setting national agricultural policy, he stood up for Mississippi’s needs and won, something a freshman junior senator would be unable to even attempt.

Brian Perry Op-Ed
Sun Herald

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.