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YP FLASH – @SenatorMcDaniel will...

YP FLASH – @SenatorMcDaniel will show $474K on FEC report – $100K from self & half from out of state

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 8, 2014

YP has confirmed that the Chris McDaniel campaign will show $474,000 in Q4 fundraising. McDaniel is of course challenging US Senator Thad Cochran in the Republican primary.

About $100K of McDaniel’s funds come from the candidate himself and roughly half of the proceeds come from out of state donors much of it listed under the Club for Growth PAC.

On 1/22, the McDaniel campaign had a release claiming over $500K in funds raised with over 4,400 unique contributors.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.