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Call script from Tea Party robocall...

Call script from Tea Party robocall survey on common core

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 29, 2014

From Tea Party Site

Hello. This is a survey call about the Common Core, the Federal Government’s latest attempt to take control of public, private, and home-schooled education in America. Please answer 6 simple questions that will help gauge citizens’ knowledge of this education reform initiative that was quietly introduced into our schools.

1. How concerned are you that the lower Common Core Standards were introduced into our schools without having been tested to determine their effect on student achievement and knowledge?
74% of respondents indicated they are very concerned

7% of respondents indicated they are not very concerned

19% of respondents indicated they have no opinion

2. How concerned are you that Mississippi agreed to Core-aligned testing and a data system that will collect personal information about your child and share it with the Federal government and private business?

79% of respondents indicated they are very concerned

8.5% of respondents indicated they are not very concerned

12.5% of respondents indicated they have no opinion

3. How concerned are you that some of the Common Core suggested reading for high-school ages contains graphic sexual content and other objectionable material?

80% of respondents indicated they are very concerned

10% of respondents indicated they are not very concerned

10% of respondents indicated they have no opinion

4. How concerned are you that Common Core was never acted upon by any legislature although it is being portrayed as “state led” and that many aspects of this initiative are contrary to Federal Law?

80.5% of respondents indicated they are very concerned

7.5% of respondents indicated they are not very concerned

12% of respondents indicated they have no opinion

5. How concerned are you that achievement standards for third graders appear to set lower expectations for black and Hispanic students than for white and Asian students?

83% of respondents indicated they are very concerned

7% of respondents indicated they are not very concerned

10% of respondents indicated they have no opinion

6. When Common Core was introduced 3 years ago, how much information were you given by your school district regarding new standards, curriculum, testing, and data collection?

75% of respondents indicated they received no information

20% of respondents indicated they received some information

5% of respondents indicated they received much information

This survey is being conducted by the Central Mississippi Tea Party, which is working to expose important facts about the Common Core Initiative. If you would like to receive e-mail updates on this effort in Mississippi or have questions, please e-mail us at You can also find information of interest on Facebook on our Stop Common Core Mississippi page. Citizens are urged to contact their elected officials to voice their concerns directly. how to contact legislators is detailed on our website at

Thanks so very much for participating in our survey today.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.