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Ultra far right leaning poll has Thad...

Ultra far right leaning poll has Thad Cochran in a statistical tie with Chris McDaniel

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 19, 2013

Mississippi toss-up: Cochran v. McDaniel tied at 40% in Human Events/Gravis poll

Six months before the Mississippi GOP primary, Sen. W. Thad Cochran is in a dead heat with attorney and former radio host state Sen. Christopher McDaniel, according to a Dec. 13 Human Events/Gravis poll of 691 voters, who voted in a Republican primary in 2010 and or 2012, with both men polling 40 percent with 20 percent undecided.

“Overall, the results indicate that Senator Cochran is in a tight spot,” said Doug Kaplan, president of Gravis Marketing, a Florida-based polling and call center company. The poll also asked about other issues and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.

“Cochran is virtually tied with McDaniel, and he is again under the 50 percent threshold when running in a generic run against a Tea Party candidate,” he said. “Cochran polled only 45 percent of the vote compared to 35 percent for the generic Tea Party candidate.”

Human Events

Editors Note – The same type of slanted poll from the same firm was released in Texas showing John Cornyn was was down 9 against a “generic Tea Party” candidate a couple of months ago.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.