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@ClarionLedger throws JPS under the bus...

@ClarionLedger throws JPS under the bus – fortunately, there’s no one to drive the buses

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 13, 2013

Jackson Public Schools to blame for long bus protest

The blame for this walkout not yet ending lies at the feet of Superintendent Cedric Gray and the JPS board. Their complete lack of professional communication with the concerned bus drivers is what led to the walkout and what has prolonged it to this point.

Even when Gray this week held two meetings with representatives of the bus drivers, he did the talking and gave them little opportunity to discuss their concerns. Further insult was heaped upon the bus drivers when the school board refused to allow bus drivers to speak during Wednesday night’s meeting. Instead, those in attendance were ushered outside and into the cold for more than an hour while the board met in executive session.

Tone deaf, indeed.

Clarion Ledger

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.