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Top Issues For The 2014 Legislative...

Top Issues For The 2014 Legislative Session Come Into Focus

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 11, 2013

Top Issues For The 2014 Legislative Session Come Into Focus

Three main issues are coming into focus as Mississippi lawmakers head into next year’s legislative session. MPB’s Jeffrey Hess reports one of last year’s biggest fights could be back again.

According to both the Speaker of the House and the Lt. Governor, who runs the Senate, crafting what they consider a ‘conservative’ budget will be the most important goal.

Speaker of the House Phillip Gunn of Clinton highlights a few key areas of the budget that indicate what three specific priorities that could be key in January.

“Of course there a lot of things included in that like education, roads and prison. We just want to make sure that we get returns on those investments,” Gunn said. A committee is currently working on recommendations the state could pursue to slow its ballooning prison population, and what it costs the state to keep people locked up. That report is expected this month, and Lt. Governor Tate Reeves expects it to get careful consideration in the legislature.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.