Mississippians are saying they have had enough of their Senators betraying them. They are saying they want a Senator who will vote the values of the people in Mississippi. And NOW they have a chance to do something about the pathetic behavior of Senator Thad Cochran. Many of us have been encouraging State Senator Chris McDaniel to run against the liberal senator.
Senator McDaniel has proven for the past six years that he believes in the American values of constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets. The same key values that just about all Mississippians say they believe in. For six years Chris has championed legislation that puts those core beliefs into practice in our state.
Now we have a chance to throw out Cochran who continually votes against the wishes of his constituents. (See why the Marshall County GOP just censured him at http://mississippipep.wordpress.com/2013/10/15/marshall-county-republican-party-executive-committee-passes-censure-of-cochran-in-unanimous-vote/) Senator McDaniel has been consulting with people throughout the state about running against Cochran and will announce his decision this Thursday.
Please let Chris hear your voice encouraging him to run. We desperately need him to replace Cochran. To do that go to: http://www.IsupportChrisMcDaniel.com/ and express your support.
You can also show up Thursday in Ellisville to be there when he makes his announcement:
WHEN 12 NOON Thursday October 17, 2013
WHERE Downtown Ellisville, MS outside of the courthouse
Please join us in Ellisville to let Chris know that we are excited about the prospect of his running. And, if he runs, he WILL WIN! Let’s go Mississippi. Let’s show the liberal elites that we here in Mississippi still believe in true American values and we will not tolerate our politicians having allegiance to anyone else than us.
“It IS about our fundamental values.”
Roy Nicholson
Visit The Mississippi Tea Party at: http://msteaparty.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network