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MEJ – Rightly so, lawmaker kills...

MEJ – Rightly so, lawmaker kills nullification plan

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 19, 2013

Rightly so, lawmaker kills nullification plan

One of the dumbest ideas in a while to come down the pike of the Mississippi Legislature — a frequent source of dumb ideas — has thankfully been shelved. A House committee chairman wisely used the pocket veto to kill a proposal to create a legislative mechanism to defy the federal government’s authority.

Republican Rep. Scott Delano should be commended for his prudence. It was a refreshing contrast to some members in his party — notably Reps. Gary Chism and Jeff Smith and Gov. Phil Bryant — who have pushed this wacky idea of nullification, which is not only unconstitutional but has earned Mississippi national ridicule.

McComb Enterprise Journal Editorial

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